Dr. Jo Rey – Research Publications
- Rey, J. (2023). Who’d Have Thought?: Unravelling Ancestors’ Hidden Histories and Their Impact on Dharug Ngurra Presences, Places and People. In: Journal of Genealogy, Special Issue: Indigenous Auto/Biographies: Musings in Histories.
Website: https://www.mdpi.com/2313-5778/7/2/41
PDF Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2313-5778/7/2/41/pdf - Rey, J. (2023). A certain wisdom: ‘Living law’ before ‘more, more, more’. In B. Carlson, M. Day, S. O’Sullivan & T. Kennedy (Eds) The Routledge Handbook of Australian Indigenous Peoples and Futures. Routledge.
- Rey, J. (2023). Weaving “Lifeworkings”: Goanna Walking Between Humanism and Posthumanism, Dharug Women’s Way. In R. Hediger (Ed.), Planet Work: Rethinking Labor and Leisure in the Anthropocene.
- Rey, J. & Parry, M. (Producer). (2022). Dharug Presences in Place: Where’s Dolly Dreaming? Retrieved from https://dharugcountryxcity.com.au
- Rey, J. (2022). Quiet Activism through Dharug Ngurra: Reporting Locally Grown – Not from the European South. From the European South.
- Rey, J. (2021). Changing Places: Weaving City Learnings into Country Futures. In L. Lopez Lopez & G. Coella (Eds.), Indigenous Futures and Learnings Taking Place (pp. 10-36). Melbourne: Routledge.
- Rey, J. (2021). Indigenous Identity as Country: The “Ing” within Connecting, Caring, and Belonging. Journal of Genealogy, 5(2). Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy5020048
- Rey, J. (2019). Country Tracking Voices: Dharug women’s perspectives on presences, places and practices. (Doctorate). Macquarie University, North Ryde.
- Rey, J. (2019). Dharug Custodial Leadership: Uncovering Country in the City. World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Journal (1), 56-66. Retrieved from https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/winhec/issue/archive
- Rey, J. & Harrison, N. (2018). Sydney as an Indigenous place: “Goanna walking” brings people together. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples. doi:10.1177/1177180117751930
- Rey, J. A. (2005). The Sarsaparilla Souvenir. Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris.
Climate and Country Relevent Works
- ACF. (2020). The Extinction Crisis in Australia’s Cities and Towns: How weak environmental laws have let urban sprawl destroy the habitate of Australia’s threatened species. Retrieved from Melbourne: https://www.acf.org.au/reports?page=3
- Beresford, Q. (2021). Wounded Country: The Murray-Darling Basin A Contested History. Sydney: NewSouth.
- Burgess, C. P., Johnston, F. H., Berry, H. L., McDonnell, J., Yibarbuk, D., Gunabarra, C., . . . Bailie, R. S. (2009). Healthy country, healthy people: the relationship between Indigenous health status and “caring for country”. Medical Journal of Australia, 190(10), 567-572. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2009.tb02566.x
- Larsen, S. C., & Johnson, J. T. (2017). Being Together in Place – Indigenous Coexistence in a More Than Human World. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press
- Lyons, I., Hill, R., Deshong, S., Mooney, G., & Turpin, G. (2020). Protecting what is left after colonisation: embedding climate adaptation planning in traditional owner narratives. Geographical Research, 58(1), 34-48. doi:10.1111/1745-5871.12385
- Nations, U. (2015). The Global Potential of Indigenous Fire Management: Findings of the Regional Feasibility Assessments Retrieved from https://collections.unu.edu/eserv/UNU:5605/indigenous_fire_management.pdf
- Ngurra, D., Dadd, L., Glass, P., Scott, R., Graham, M., Judge, S., . . . Suchet-Pearson, S. (2019). Yanama budyari gumada: reframing the urban to care as Darug Country in western Sydney. Australian Geographer, 50(3), 279-293. doi:10.1080/00049182.2019.1601150
- Rey, J. A. (2021). Changing Places: Weaving City Learnings into Country Futures. In L. Lopez Lopez & G. Coella (Eds.), Indigenous Futures and Learnings Taking Place (pp. 10-36). Melbourne: Routledge.
- Somerville, M., Tobin, L., & Tobin, J. (2019). Walking Contemporary Indigenous Songlines as Public Pedagogies of Country. Journal of Public Pedagogies(4). doi:10.15209/jpp.1171
- Whitehead, P. J., Purdon, P., Russell‐Smith, J., Cooke, P. M., & Sutton, S. (2008). The management of climate change through prescribed Savanna burning: Emerging contributions of indigenous people in Northern Australia. Public Administration and Development, 28(5), 374-385. doi:10.1002/pad.512
- Whyte, K. P. (2017). Is it Colonial Deja Vu? Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change. In J. A. a. M. Davis (Ed.), Humanities for the Environment: Integrating Knowledge, Forging New Constellations of Practice. London: Routledge.
- Arabena, K. (2015). Becoming Indigenous to the Universe : Reflections on living systems, indigeneity and citizenship North Melbourne, Vic. : Australian Scholarly Publishing.
- Baynes, R. (2016). Teachers’ Attitudes to Including Indigenous Knowledges in the Australian Science Curriculum. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 45(1), 80-90. doi:10.1017/jie.2015.29
- Benterrak, K., Muecke, S., Roe, P., & Keogh, R., et. al. (Eds.). (2014). Reading the country: an introduction to nomadology Fremantle, W.A.: Fremantle Arts Centre Press.
- Berkley, A. (2000). Review of Intercultural Education and Literacy, An Ethnographic Study of Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in the Peruvian Amazon: Sheila Aikman
- Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1999, ISBN 1-55619-385-8 (Book Review). In (Vol. 11, pp. 161-163).
- Biddle, N., & Wilson, T. (2013). Indigenous Australian population projections: problems and prospects. Journal of Population Research, 30(2), 101-116. doi:10.1007/s12546-013-9104-2
- Bignall, S., Hemming, S., & Rigney, D. (2016). Three Ecosophies for the Anthropocene: Environmental Governance, Continental Posthumanism and Indigenous Expressivism. Deleuze Studies, 10(4), 455-478. doi:10.3366/dls.2016.0239
- Blair, N. (2015). Privileging Australian Indigenous Knowledge: Sweet potatoes, spiders, waterlilys and Brick Walls. Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground.
- Christie, M. (2006). Transdisciplinary Research and Aboriginal Knowledge. Aust. J. indig. Educ, 35(2006), 78-89. doi:10.1017/S1326011100004191
- Corn, A. (2010). Land, song, constitution: exploring expressions of ancestral agency, intercultural diplomacy and family legacy in the music of Yothu Yindi with Mandawuy Yunupiŋu 1. Pop. Mus., 29(1), 81-102. doi:10.1017/S0261143009990390
- Craven, R. (2011). Teaching Aboriginal studies / edited by Rhonda Craven (2nd. ed. ed.). Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Crows Nest, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin.
- Craven, R., & Mooney, J. (2013). Seeding success in indigenous Australian higher education / edited by Rhonda G. Craven, Janet Mooney (First edition. ed.): Bingley Emerald.
- Foley, D. (2001). Repossession of our spirit : traditional owners of northern Sydney / by Dennis Foley photographs by Ricky Maynard. Canberra: Canberra : Aboriginal History Inc.
- Ford, L. P., Guthadjaka, K. G., Daymangu, J. W., Danganbar, B., Baker, C., Ford, C., . . . Murtagh, D. (2018). Re-imaging Aboriginal leadership in higher education – A new Indigenous research paradigm. Australian Journal of Education, 62(3), 276-288. doi:10.1177/0004944118808364
- Ford, P. L., Prior, J., Coat, B., & Warton, L. (2014). The Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge LibGuide : Charles Darwin University Embedding Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge, Culture and Language. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 1-10. doi:10.1080/00048623.2014.910859
- Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Middlesex: Penguin Books.
- Harrison, N., Burke, J., & Clarke, I. (2020). Risky teaching: developing a trauma-informed pedagogy for higher education. Teaching in higher education, 1-15. doi:10.1080/13562517.2020.1786046
- Heart, M. Y. H. B., Chase, J., Elkins, J., & Altschul, D. B. (2011). Historical trauma among indigenous peoples of the Americas: concepts, research, and clinical considerations. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 43(4), 282.
- Hogan, L. (2015). What Would You Call It?(Poem). World Literature Today, 89(2), 17.
- Howitt, R. (2011). Knowing/Doing. In V. J. Del Casino Jnr., Thomas, M. E., Cloke, P. and Panelli, R. (Ed.), Companion to Social Geography (pp. 131-145). Chichester, UK: Blackwell.
- Kelly, D. (2014). The legal and religious nature of aboriginal customary law: focus on Madayin. University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review, 16, 50-73.
- Kelly, L. S. (2012). When knowledge was power. In U. La Trobe (Ed.).
- Kovach, M. (2009). Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, conversations, and contexts. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Larsen, S. C., & Johnson, J. T. (2017). Being Together in Place – Indigenous Coexistence in a More Than Human World. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press
- Lou, E. (2016). Canada aboriginal community declares suicide crisis emergency. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-canada-aboriginal-suicides/canada-aboriginal-community-declares-suicide-crisis-emergency-idUSKCN0X8024
- McKinley, E. A., & Smith, L. T. (2019). Handbook of Indigenous Education. Singapore: Springer Singapore Pte. Limited.
- Moreton – Robinson, A. (2000). Talkin’ up to the white woman: Aboriginal women and feminism. St. Lucia, Qld.: University of Queensland Press.
- Moreton-Robinson, A. (2011). THE WHITE MAN’S BURDEN: Patriarchal White Epistemic Violence and Aboriginal Women’s Knowledges within the Academy. Australian Feminist Studies, 26(70), 413-431. doi:10.1080/08164649.2011.621175
- Neale, M. (2020). Songlines : the power and promise. Port Melbourne, Victoria: Thames & Hudson Australia Pty Ltd.
- Nelson, M. K., & Shilling, D. (2018). Traditional ecological knowledge : learning from indigenous practices for environmental sustainability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Plumwood, V. (2005). The Fraser Island Dingo Cull and the Ethics of Negotiation. PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature(3), 12-21.
- Randall, B. (2003). Songman : the story of an Aboriginal elder of Uluru / Bob Randall [foreword and notes by Paul Newbury]. Sydney: Sydney : ABC Books for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
- Rose, D. (2005). An Indigenous philosophical ecology : situating the human.
- Rose, D. B. (2013). Val Plumwood’s Philosophical Animism: Attentive Inter-actions in the Sentient World. Environmental Humanities, Vol 3, Pp 93-109 (2013).
- Salmón, E. (2000). Kincentric Ecology: Indigenous Perceptions of the Human-Nature Relationship. Ecological applications, 10(5), 1327-1332. doi:10.1890/1051-0761(2000)010[1327:KEIPOT]2.0.CO;2
- Simpson, J. (2019). The State of Australia’s Indigenous Languages and How We Can Speak Them More Often. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/the-state-of-australias-indigenous-languages-and-how-we-can-help-people-speak-them-more-often-109662
- Steffensen, V. (2020). Fire country : how indigenous fire management could help save Australia / Victor Steffensen: Richmond, Victoria : Hardie Grant Travel.
- Stockton, E. (1995). The aboriginal gift : spirituality for a nation / Eugene Stockton. Alexandria, N.S.W.: Alexandria, N.S.W. : Millennium Books.
- Taylor, Francis, Kincheloe, J. L., & Semali, L. (1999). What is indigenous knowledge? : voices from the academy / edited by Ladislaus M. Semali, Joe L. Kincheloe. New York: New York : Falmer Press.
- Taylor, J. (2013). Indigenous Urbanization in Australia: Patterns and Processes of Ethnogenesis. In E. J. Peters & C. Andersen (Eds.), Indigenous in the city : contemporary identities and cultural innovation (pp. 183-200). Vancouver, Toronto UBC Press.
- Tobler, R., Rohrlach, A., Soubrier, J., Bover, P., Llamas, B., Tuke, J., . . . Cooper, A. (2017). Aboriginal mitogenomes reveal 50,000 years of regionalism in Australia. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature21416
- Van Toorn, P. (2006). Writing Never Arrives Naked: Early Aboriginal Cultures of Writing in Australia: Aboriginal Studies Press.
- Watson, I. (2015). Aboriginal peoples, colonialism and international law : raw law. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;: Routledge.
- Yunupingu, M. (Ed.) (1994). Voices from the land Sydney: Sydney : ABC Books.
- Zylstra, M. J., Knight, A. T., Esler, K. J., & Le Grange, L. L. L. (2014). Connectedness as a Core Conservation Concern: An Interdisciplinary Review of Theory and a Call for Practice. Springer science reviews, 2(1-2), 119-143. doi:10.1007/s40362-014-0021-3
Local Connections
Press Releases:
- Historic Site Returned to Traditional Owners. (2018). [Press release]. Retrieved from https://www.thewire.org.au/story/historic-site-returned-to-traditional-owners/
- Landcom Hands Back Land to Dharug People at Historic Event. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.landcom.com.au/news/media/landcom-hands-back-land-to-dharug-people-at-historic-event/
Articles and Books:
- Death of a Centenarian. (1904, Tuesday 18 October 1904,). Maitland Mercury. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article124046006
- Bubacz, B. M. (2007). The Female and Male Orphan Schools in New South Wales, 1801-1850. In: University of Sydney.
- Foley, D. (2001). Repossession of our spirit : traditional owners of northern Sydney / by Dennis Foley photographs by Ricky Maynard. Canberra: Canberra : Aboriginal History Inc.
- Goodall, H. (2009). Rivers and resilience: Aboriginal people on Sydney’s Georges River Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.
- Harrison, N. (2014). Learning and teaching on Darug country. Retrieved from www.learndarug.com
- Harrison, N., Page, S., & Tobin, L. (2016). Art has a place: country becomes a teacher in the city. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 48(13), 1321-1335.
- Haskins, V. (2012). The Chaplain’s wife and the Native Girl: Re-envisaging a Cross-cultural Female Relationship in the Contact Zone. Australian Feminist Studies, 27(73), 259-268. doi:10.1080/08164649.2012.700256
- Holder, R. F. (Ed.) (1967) Australian Dictionary of Biography (Vols. 2). National Centre of Biography, Australian National University.
- Janson, J. (2020). Benevolence / Julie Janson: Broom, Western Australia : Magabala Books.
- Karskens, G. (2010). The colony: a history of early Sydney Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.
- Kohen, J. L. (2010). African Connections: The descendants of John Randall, John Martin, John Aiken, William Thomas and Thomas Corncrake (Conquit). Seven Hills: Darug Tribal Aboriginal Corporation.
- Neale, M. (2020). Songlines : the power and promise. Port Melbourne, Victoria: Thames & Hudson Australia Pty Ltd.
- Pauling, W. (1995). A History of Mona Vale. Manly Warringah Journal of Local History, 6.
- Pybus, C. J. (2006). Black founders : the unknown story of Australia’s first black settlers / Cassandra Pybus. Sydney: Sydney : UNSW Press.
- Rose, D. (2005). An Indigenous philosophical ecology: situating the human.
- Rose, D. B. (1996). Sacred geography In. Canberra: Australian Heritage Commission.
- Rose, D. B. (1999). Indigenous ecologies and an ethic of connection In N. Low (Ed.), Global Ethics and Environment (pp. 175-187). London: Routledge.
- Rose, D. B. (2000). Dingo makes us human: life and land in an Australian Aboriginal culture. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1959.14/88357
- Salmón, E. (2000). Kincentric Ecology: Indigenous Perceptions of the Human-Nature Relationship. Ecological applications, 10(5), 1327-1332. doi:10.1890/1051-0761(2000)010[1327:KEIPOT]2.0.CO;2
- Smith, K. (2005). Wallumedegal : an Aboriginal history of Ryde / Keith Vincent Smith. North Ryde, N.S.W.: North Ryde, N.S.W. : Community Services Unit, City of Ryde.
- Smith, K. V. (2008). Mari nawi (“big canoes”) : Aboriginal voyagers in Australia’s maritime history, 1788-1855 Thesis (PhD)–Macquarie University. Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy. Warawara – Department of Indigenous Studies, 2008., Australia.
- Smith, K. V. (2009). Bennelong among his people. Aboriginal History, 33(2009), 7-30.
- Somerville, M. (2013). The ‘placetimemattering’ of aspiration in the Blacktown Learning Community. Critical Studies in Education, 54(3), 231-244. doi:10.1080/17508487.2013.831365
- TW. (2011, September/October, 2011). The Tale of First Fleeter John Randall. Founders, 42(5), 2-3.
- Watson, E., Marne, W., & Watson, K. (2014). Our Place: Aboriginal Stories on Country – Guringai and Darug Retrieved from http://www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au/community/coummunity-services/aboriginal-services
- Attenbrow, V. (2022). Fish, maugro. Retrieved from https://australian.museum/learn/cultures/atsi-collection/sydney/fish-maugro/
- City Arts Centre, B. (2014). Blacktown City Arts Centre. Retrieved from www.artscentre.blacktown.nsw.gov.au
- DSMG. (2020). Dharug Strategic Management Group. Retrieved from https://www.dsmg.org.au
- Fairall, R. Randall/Martin Familiy Tree – John Randall 2. Retrieved from http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~johnrandall2/
- Fairall, R. (n. d.). Randall/Martin Family Tree. Retrieved from http://www.fairhall.id.au/families/myline/g0/p330.htm
- GHD. (2018). GHD Helps Return Blacktown Native Institution to Indigenous Custodians. Retrieved from https://www.ghd.com/en/news/ghd-helps-return-blacktown-native-institution-to-indigenous-custodians.aspx
- Norman, H. (2015). Colebee and Nurrungingy’s Land Grant. Dictionary of Sydney. Retrieved from https://dictionaryofsydney.org/entry/colebee_and_nurragingys_land_grant
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- Anderson, G. M. (2016). Euahlayi cultural astronomy parallels with latest gravitational waves detection [Press release]. Retrieved from www.sovereignunion.mobi
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- DSMG. (2020). Dharug Strategic Management Group. Retrieved from https://www.dsmg.org.au
- Fairall, R. (n. d.). Randall/Martin Family Tree. Retrieved from http://www.fairhall.id.au/families/myline/g0/p330.htm
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- Harrison, N. (2014). Learning and teaching on Darug country. . Retrieved from www.learndarug.com
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- Parramatta Female Factory Precinct. Retrieved from www.parragirls.org.au/ (2006). Fire Management Strategy: Lane Cove National Park Wallumatta Nature Reserve Dalrymple-Hay Nature Reserve. Sydney
- Rey, J. A., & Parry, M. (Producer). (2022). Dharug Presences in Place: Where’s Dolly Dreaming? (Online Multimedia) Retrieved from https://dharugcountryxcity.com.au
- Ritchie, J. (2014). Counter-colonial research methodologies drawing upon postcolonial critique and Indigenous onto-epistemologies. In.
- Rumi, M. J. (1207-1273). If thou wilt be observant and vigilant. In N. Tsolak (Ed.), (pp. Web page dedicated to the works of Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi, (1207-1273) Sufi poet and philosopher). Retrieved from http://www.rumi.org.uk/
- Ryuntyu, Y. (Ed.) (2010). My Hero Sister Pat: Patricia Dixon. Armidale, NSW: The World Patrick White Intellectual Heritage: Australia.
- SBS. (2014). Living Black Forum Special: Continuation of the Stolen Generation. On Demand. Retrieved from http://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/278236227943/LIVING-BLACK-23-June-2014
- Services, H. A. (2014). Stories on Country – Guringai and Darug. Retrieved from http://www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au/community/coummunity-services/aboriginal-services
- Tobin, J. (2013). Learn Darug – Place Based Story. Retrieved from http://learndarug.com/about-2/
- Tobin, L. (2014). Learn Darug – Place Based Mural. Retrieved from http://learndarug.com/2014/01/03/mural-project/
- Training, N. D. E. a. Campfire. Retrieved from http://www.curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au/secondary/languages/languages/aboriginal/campfire/stories/index.htm
- Training, N. D. E. a. History of Aboriginal Sydney. Retrieved from http://www.historyofaboriginalsydney.edu.au/
- Gallagher, R. V., Allen, S., Mackenzie, B. D. E., Yates, C. J., Gosper, C. R., Keith, D. A., . . . Nimmo, D. (2021). High fire frequency and the impact of the 2019–2020 megafires on Australian plant diversity. Diversity & distributions, 27(7), 1166-1179. doi:10.1111/ddi.13265
- Nations, U. (2015). The Global Potential of Indigenous Fire Management: Findings of the Regional Feasibility Assessments Retrieved from https://collections.unu.edu/eserv/UNU:5605/indigenous_fire_management.pdf
- Region, N. D. o. E. a. C. N. P. a. W. S. S. N. (2006). Fire Management Strategy: Lane Cove National Park Wallumatta Nature Reserve Dalrymple-Hay Nature Reserve. Sydney
- Steffensen, V. (2020). Fire country: how indigenous fire management could help save Australia / Victor Steffensen: Richmond, Victoria : Hardie Grant Travel.
- Whitehead, P. J., Purdon, P., Russell‐Smith, J., Cooke, P. M., & Sutton, S. (2008). The management of climate change through prescribed Savanna burning: Emerging contributions of indigenous people in Northern Australia. Public Administration and Development, 28(5), 374-385. doi:10.1002/pad.512